• Decoton or stamped concrete on the floor

It makes working with concrete simple but beautiful and turns it into an attractive and artistic surface. Decoton can create a surface that is as smooth as any traditional and used product like ceramic, brick, mosaic, etc. You can expect any architectural and design twist from this product. In the implementation of stamped concrete or decoton, you will not be limited to the design and idea, and the curvature and twist of the execution path will definitely not have the difficulty of cutting stone and mosaic for you. In decoton, the background color and shade are at your disposal and you are the one who can create a beautiful surface for your workplace, city or life with your dreams.

Why choose Stamped Concrete or Decoton?
Decoton has been able to attract many people to training and implementation with its speed of implementation and diversity of design. In the Decoton implementation system, all technical and engineering principles of implementation are observed due to the presence of a product called concrete, or rather, we must comply with them. Concrete, due to its nature, immediately shows the lack of compliance with technical principles and does not allow unprincipled work. Decoton is a completely integrated and sealed surface with hard stone and colored grains and allows you to expand the implementation openings to the largest dimensions and get rid of additional joints on the surface easily and comfortably.

How to apply Decoton

1. Surface preparation

2. Concrete placing and levelling

3. Application and incorporation of Colour Hardener

4. Finishing and smoothing of the surface

5. Application of the Powder release agent

6. Imprinting and finishing

7. Washing of the surface

8. Application of a protective sealer


The surface is seamless and prevents grass and plant growth

Infinite variety of colors and combinations

Speed of execution
Fast application and execution process

High abrasion resistance

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